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The Power of Ring Finger

 Human hands can do many things apart from eating and doing physical works. if you bring an energy system in the certain way or do a certain level of vibration intensity then you will know that hands are the great instrument. the ring finger from top to bottom you can control the whole universe.it is everything for us like a mouse for your computer. you can just adjust the system whatever you want.

If you know what to do with this is like the mouse to control your computer you can take it wherever you want you can just activate your system whichever way you want just by handling the ring finger so hands are capable to many things apart from eating and physical work that is a whole science attach to it. 

Now just turning your hands about you just changing the way you breathe this is not just about your breath fundamental energy function is also very different. hands are instrument like this unconsciously how many times we shake. you can make this hands like such a way if you moved it here something will happen in another part of the world you can make something happen somewhere else totally some ware else wherever you want  pinpoint it because these hands are an instrument to everything this like the control panel to everything so either you keep this as the  Small little human beings are you in large this into a human responsibility whichever  way it is still the control panel is here.

So in a way to open of your body to open up this human mechanism to many possibility ring finger is significant if you want to open up a person become your bride or broom then you put a ring on the figure on the ring figure in some ware people open off somewhere they undershoot that you should do this certain thing should happen so they used this particular figure no ware else. lots of new generation people put the ring on their thumb so the very wrong thing to do you will attract such kind of energy you cannot deal with this and also stabilized the system. so put it in a generic way it is like a remote to open off your body. 

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