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What to do to have a healthy child? Part - 1

What a child looks like depends a lot on the mood of the parents during intercourse. We are vigilant about pregnancy, childbirth and infancy. But, we don't talk much about conception. If you want to give birth to a capable, strong and capable child, you have to take care of it from the time of conception.

The birth of the blind Dhritarashtra and the sick Pandu laid the foundation for the Mahabharata war. If they had been born physically strong, there might not have been a Mahabharata war. The birth of two weak people led to a war in which millions of people died. What we need to understand from this is that if a child born physically or mentally weak reaches any 'power point', it can have a serious impact on the earth. Therefore, if we want to make the earth prosperous and peaceful, we must give birth to healthy children.

The story of Mahabharata also reveals why Dhritarashtra and Pandu were born like that. According to the story of Mahabharata, after the childless death of King Vichitravirya, there is a crisis of succession in the kingdom. After that, Vichitravirya's mother Rani Satyavati urges her son Vyas, who was born through the sun before marriage, to conceive Vichitravirya's queens Ambika and Ambialika. Vedavyasa accepts the mother's command and the queens of Vichitravirya are ready to menstruate Ambika and Ambalika.

Vedavyasa is called to the court for a mission. Ambika was scared to see Vedavyas. His fear was also natural. Where is the queen of the court, where is the frightened monk with a beard! Frightened, Ambalika could not even see Vyas. Her intercourse with Vedavyas was painful. Dhritarashtra was born blind as he closed his eyes due to fear during intercourse. Ambalika was also scared of Vyas. She trembled with fear. Due to which Pandu became congenitally ill. After the two children became weak, Rani Satyavati called Vyas again. This time Ambika did not go to Vedavyasa. Instead, she embellished her maid and sent her away. The maid took intercourse with Vedavyas as an event or occasion. Due to which the greatest wise children like Vidura were born.

We have heard this story many times. However, we have not thought deeply about it. During intercourse, various chemicals are activated. Semen itself is an addition of various chemicals. Due to fear in Ambika and Ambalika, the chemicals of joy, satisfaction and happiness that should be active during intercourse were not 'released'. Instead, the chemicals associated with fear, anxiety and suffering became active. Which affected the child. Therefore, determining what a child looks like depends a lot on the mood of the parents during intercourse. We are vigilant about pregnancy, childbirth and infancy. But, we don't talk much about conception. If you want to produce capable, strong and capable children, you have to take care of them from the time of conception.

We were in our mother's womb before we came into this world. We were in the father's sperm before coming to the mother's womb. Before we came as sperm, we were in cyberspace as vibrations. Because, no man's sperm is formed before the age of fourteen. The sperm is a 'unicell'. Once in a woman's egg, the unicellular cell becomes a multi-cell and the process of child formation begins.

We were 'downloaded' from cyberspace by our parents. Seen in this way, sex is a downloading process. It is because of this download that we come to the 'screen' of the world. One day we will die. Our body is destroyed. However, 'consciousness' is again 'uploaded' into cyberspace. After coming into the world, one's consciousness may be modified or expanded, and one's consciousness may fall or become inferior. Consensus is uploaded to the cyber according to what has happened. The uploaded consensus is then downloaded by another male-female couple through intercourse and a new creation begins again. We need to understand this process better. There are innumerable concerns in cyber. Some are rich and some are inferior. In the case of sexual intercourse, just like the mood of the parents, the consciousness (soul) comes and stays in the womb. If the parents are in a happy mood, the consciousness of happiness is downloaded, if the parents are in a state of fear, the consciousness of fear is downloaded. When we do not understand this process, we are doomed to give birth to fools like Dhritarashtra and weak children like Pandu. Improving families and schools is not enough to build a prosperous human civilization.

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